Ideas & Feedback
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Use Chat History for personal improvements
I think it would be great if the AI can access all of a user's chat history. In this way the AI can provide better conversation and can simulate better to be a real tutor. This feature can also be available only in premium accounts, I think it's worth it.
Stefano#Improvement 🧐0
Add images to flashcards
Images would be useful for visual learners
Alex#Feature request 🙏🏼8
Flashcards aren't useful without shuffle
Please add a shuffle feature.
Tyler L#Feature request 🙏🏼5
Time log
It would be cool if LanguaStream kept a time log of how many minutes per day/week/month you spent watching video and listening to input.
Follow up exercises on corrections
Feedback reports are really useful, but they are not actionable. Once you make a mistake and Langua offers you a correction, both get lost in the chat history. It would be very useful that Langua had some kind of exam/practice/review mode (with dedicated modules, ideally) where the system retests you on the grammar points, words or phrases you fail during the chats.
Tony#Improvement 🧐#Feature request 🙏🏼2
Add Articles to Vocab
Hi I was quite surprised while trying the free version of the app to see that while generating vocabulary, the AI only produces lists of words on their own with absolutely no article for languages that use them such as French or Italian. Articles are essential when learning new vocab to learn the gender of the word which then affects adjectives, plurals and even verb conjugations and spelling. This is 100% necessary when learning vocab for the purpose of speaking which seems to be the goal of the app. You can edit these lists to add the article. But if we generate a list of 40 words in 5 seconds, you can imagine how much time it would take to search the article for every individual word and edit each vocab flashcard. This would be a necessary change for me to consider officially purchasing.
whitney#Improvement 🧐#Integrations 🔗#Flashcards3
Ability to highlight only a section of a sentence to convert into a flashcard
Currently, it seems only possible to convert an entire sentence into a flashcard when chatting with the AI. Sometimes, it contains parts that you don't want or need, sometimes even some english. It would be great to be able to just highlight the section that is useful to you and create a flashcard using that.
Isaak R#Improvement 🧐#Flashcards#AI chat0
Vocabulary cards should indicate word type
Flash cards should indicate whether word in question is a noun or verb, etc. Ex: “cook” can mean “to cook” (verb) or “one who cooks” (noun).
Anthony L#Improvement 🧐#Flashcards0
Grammar Choices with AI Chat
I love practicing grammar with AI Chat. When it asks what I would like to practice, it would be great to have a list of grammatical options to practice instead of having to suggest it.
Lisalillianb#Feature request 🙏🏼2
Repeat flashcard until the word is known - on first review
Currently when first going through the flashcards, all words are only presented once then the interface advises us to wait for 72 hours. However where words are not known I want to continue to ‘work’ on these in the flashcards section until I know them, rather than wait for 72 hours. If I override this and repeat the review then I am also shown words I do know (and I presumably mess up the spaced repetition stats on those?)
Cathy B#Improvement 🧐2
Ability to speak for longer periods
My goal is to improve the speed at which I speak to the point where native speakers don't get bored conversing with me! In a recent chat, the AI suggested I try speaking continuously for several minutes as this is a great exercise for forcing your brain to speed up its recall of the language. However, when I tried speaking for 6 minutes continuously the chat did not (or could not) capture what I'd said - maybe because there's a maximum limit on how much speech the AI can process for each reply? If so, it would be great if this limit were increased - to say at least 5 or 6 minutes of continuous speech.
Ability to easily switch between languages learning
It's cumbersome for me (only 2 weeks into using your site) to switch languages. I am working on 4 different ones, all at different levels. I found today, that asking while in Spanish for a created new story from my saved vocabulary resulted in some German words being added into the Spanish and some made up words, too. I imagine you all will work this out over time and as AI develops. Thank you for all you are doing! This tool is amazing.
Maria C10
Mock exam
This could gain more attraction from the language learner if this platform has a Mock exam feature to assess proficiency level. For example in learning English, people want to know how much score they will get in IELTS exam. The mock exam should have the same structure as the actual exam: Listening Reading Speaking Writing It's not only limited to English but it can also be expanded to other language. French = DELF/DALF Dutch = NT2 German = TestDaF Chinese = HSK the list will go on and on
Dwianad#Feature request 🙏🏼5
Level (A1-C2)
Is it possible to get an idea of the level that one person is currently at when downloading the feedback?
Luca#Feature request 🙏🏼7
Allow to redo last phrase with AI
Sometimes pronunciation is not good, or I want to practice suggested (more natural phrase), but I cannot, as the dialogue moves forward. If there is a button to retry - it will give more room for improvement.
Oleksii#Improvement 🧐4