Ideas & Feedback
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Ability to easily switch between languages learning
It's cumbersome for me (only 2 weeks into using your site) to switch languages. I am working on 4 different ones, all at different levels. I found today, that asking while in Spanish for a created new story from my saved vocabulary resulted in some German words being added into the Spanish and some made up words, too. I imagine you all will work this out over time and as AI develops. Thank you for all you are doing! This tool is amazing.
Maria C9
Allow ability to click to select words to practice vocab with AI
The vocabulary practice with AI is amazingly powerful, but I would like a systematic way of choosing which vocab I want to practice rather than just "Last 12 added" or "Last 24" (FOR AI STORIES) or "Recently saved vocab" "Almost learned vocab", "Difficult vocab (COMMUNICATE WITH AI) You could do some tick boxes or something to choose words before you start the AI.
Scott#Improvement π§8
Possibility to edit a flashcard when recalling them
When recalling a flashcard, it would be nice to edit it directly. Just an edit button instead of finding it in your vocabulary list, which can be quite long.
Tommy S#Improvement π§#Feature request ππΌ6
For German Flash Card nouns please include the gender - adding my vote
David H#Feature request ππΌ0
Add more AI regional accents?
I think it would be great in the future if there were more regional accents for us to choose from. It's always a challenge for English learners to fully understand speakers with different regional accents, such as those from Manchester, Birmingham, or even the Cockney accent.
BC#Improvement π§#Feature request ππΌ1
Follow up exercises on corrections
Feedback reports are really useful, but they are not actionable. Once you make a mistake and Langua offers you a correction, both get lost in the chat history. It would be very useful that Langua had some kind of exam/practice/review mode (with dedicated modules, ideally) where the system retests you on the grammar points, words or phrases you fail during the chats.
Tony#Improvement π§#Feature request ππΌ2
Ask me questions about the video content
I would like questions about the story that the machine can easily generate. Ask me questions that I can answer about the story. It will make me speak out loud, adding to the value.
Susan B#Feature request ππΌ4
Just wanted to thank you for an amazing product
Langua is amazing and I'm learning so much about the Portuguese language and culture. I tell everyone I know who is interested in language learning about it. Just wanted you to know how happy I am to have found your product. All the best!
Elaine#Misc π€·0
Improve phrase highlighting
While selecting a single word (via click) in order to get the definition is very simple, highlighting of a phrase is quite finicky. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I find I have to be very intentional about where I place my cursor and where I end the highlighting. Also seems to need me to hold the highlighting in place for a moment before releasing mouse button. All of this makes for a suboptimal experience when doing this multiple times over the course of reviewing text. FIrst day using Pro and I can say that you all are really on the right track! Keep up the great work.
Josh#Improvement π§3
AI vocab review should update flashcard progress
I've just discovered the option to review added vocabulary with the AI chatbot and I really love it. In my view, this is a far richer way of reviewing vocabulary than going through flashcards that ask you to translate into English, which takes you out of thinking in your target language and is generally quite dull. The trouble is, any progress I make learning vocab in this way isn't recorded, so unless I use flashcards AS WELL, each word or phrase will remain in my list as if I've made no progress on it. I would LOVE it if my progress on each word was updated when I'm reviewing vocab with the AI, in the same way as it is for flashcards. I.e., when the AI recognises that I've used the word correctly in context (in response to one of its prompts), this word is marked as 'correct' and I don't see it again until the spaced repetition algorithm says that it's time. I can really see this becoming my favourite and most effective way of learning vocabulary, but only if this change was implemented - otherwise I'm just going to keep seeing the same vocabulary at the same frequency forever! (Or I have to force myself to start using dual-language flashcards, which as I say, I don't enjoy.)
Tom H1
Conjugation tables in flashcards
Similar to how you can select phrases, etc, an option to conjugate (maybe present indicative by default, with options to select others)
ryan#Feature request ππΌ1
We need newspapers!!!
so we can read news and check vocabularies While reading newspaper, There are too many unknown words if we have newspaper and click translate tool it would be so good
sΓΌleyman i2
provide a mp3 of the corrected dialogue from the conversation
After an AI chat coversation, allow an export to mp3 of the corrected dialogue that has been produced. I am having to copy the text bloxks, paste into a text, then enter it into a 3rd party site that will create an audio file, but their voices are not so natural as yours. Also, you need function hover pop up taxt of what the buttons on the page do as the symbols are too small and are not clear what they are for. Brilliant site overall thanks!! Wonderful learning tool.
Stephen E2
Upload a PDF and interact with the PDF
I would like to be able to upload a PDF from my computer or from online and be able to interact with it to be able to translate some of the difficult words using Languatalk
Elie#Feature request ππΌ1
Import text document like pdf, docx etc
To make it easier to read text I would like this opportunity included. I have tried copying, but can only take 10.000 words - I have some books I wanted to read that are longer