Ideas & Feedback

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  1. Use Chat History for personal improvements

    I think it would be great if the AI can access all of a user's chat history. In this way the AI can provide better conversation and can simulate better to be a real tutor. This feature can also be available only in premium accounts, I think it's worth it.

    #Improvement 🧐


  2. Follow up exercises on corrections

    Feedback reports are really useful, but they are not actionable. Once you make a mistake and Langua offers you a correction, both get lost in the chat history. It would be very useful that Langua had some kind of exam/practice/review mode (with dedicated modules, ideally) where the system retests you on the grammar points, words or phrases you fail during the chats.

    #Improvement 🧐#Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  3. Allow to redo last phrase with AI

    Sometimes pronunciation is not good, or I want to practice suggested (more natural phrase), but I cannot, as the dialogue moves forward. If there is a button to retry - it will give more room for improvement.

    #Improvement 🧐


  4. AI recommendation on daily learnings

    Based on my previous learning and all my previous mistakes, the AI should suggest what and how to do and learn next. And it should provide such exercises directly for a learning time of 30 minutes or an hour.

    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  5. Add images to flashcards

    Images would be useful for visual learners

    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  6. Ask me questions about the video content

    I would like questions about the story that the machine can easily generate. Ask me questions that I can answer about the story. It will make me speak out loud, adding to the value.

    Susan B
    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  7. Ability to easily switch between languages learning

    It's cumbersome for me (only 2 weeks into using your site) to switch languages. I am working on 4 different ones, all at different levels. I found today, that asking while in Spanish for a created new story from my saved vocabulary resulted in some German words being added into the Spanish and some made up words, too. I imagine you all will work this out over time and as AI develops. Thank you for all you are doing! This tool is amazing.

    Maria C


  8. Repeat flashcard until the word is known - on first review

    Currently when first going through the flashcards, all words are only presented once then the interface advises us to wait for 72 hours. However where words are not known I want to continue to β€˜work’ on these in the flashcards section until I know them, rather than wait for 72 hours. If I override this and repeat the review then I am also shown words I do know (and I presumably mess up the spaced repetition stats on those?)

    Cathy B
    #Improvement 🧐


  9. Allow Beginner Chat the Option to choose whether or not to include Auto Translation

    I appreciate the level of complexity that beginner chat provides. But the Auto Translate distracts from being able to process the Italian I just heard. Offer an option to turn auto translate on or off in Settings.

    Jim I
    #Improvement 🧐


  10. Better auto send feature in the car

    It would be great to be able to talk to your AI coach while driving. For some commute can be hours, this time could be put to great use. The only problem is that the auto send feature (it sends what you have just said as soon as it detects a silence) doesn't work in the car. Even when everything is turned off in the car, the noise of the engine is enough for the app to never detect a silence and so never sends your message. You have to manually click on the arrow to send which is not ideal while driving. The feature works fine in the house so I'm thinking with just a little tweaking this could be resolved. Hope this gets voted, thanks for your work

    #Improvement 🧐


  11. Track Time Spent in AI Conversations and Permit Goal-setting

    Feature requested: When ending an AI chat or selecting feedback, provide the total time spent in that chat.Provide cumulative time results by day, week, month, and all-time. You can use a calendar graphic or simple table to display results--or any other useful UI. Perhaps you could at a "Progress" link to the main menu. Provide the option to set daily, weekly, or monthly conversation time goals and have the site display progress toward those goals.

    Peter von Y
    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  12. Substitution drills

    I have not asked the bot if it can do this but assume it would need to be programmed. Under the Grammar Practice section, it would be cool to have substitution drills. The Ai would provide a sentence or phrase and then an individual word that prompts the learner to include the word in the sentence or phrase. He/She would have to change the sentence (probably conjugate verbs) in order to make the sentense or phrase work. For example: AI: Tiene un Learner: Tiene un auto AI: Tengo Learner: Tengo un auto AI: Quiero Learner: Quiero un auto It can just keep going on. This method is used in the FSI courses which are in the public domain. Those courses use dated language, however, and can be dreadfully boring...but they are effective. I would love if this was possible with Langua.

    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  13. Add pinyin to mandarin

    Since I have studied mandarin using pinyin, it's easier for me to remember characters if I have both the hanzi and the pinyin (or the option to choose) in the chat box of the AI.

    Coen ten H
    #Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ


  14. Mandarin (Chinese) AI Chat - add characters

    Mandarin (Chinese) AI Chat - add chinese characters in the response. When I click 'translate' I see only English. Should be easy to code to add chinese characters and have both.

    #Improvement 🧐#Feature request πŸ™πŸΌ
